Hi …. I am here again with the Inspiring words of my father and my lover

So how can you/I describe human love?

Human love is possessive. It is directed toward the object/subject of the love.
A lot of people claim to be in love that why they want to get married. They have this burning desires and passion to be with this person probably because the person is cute, Jovial, outspoken, quiet, spiritual and the likes but the truth is such kind of love has an expiry date.

The moment the person is doing the opposite of what intially got you attracted to the person, you are angry, the love begins to diminsh.

Let us assume that I got married to Rebecca because she is quiet, loving, infact I love the way she respect me, but the moment she got married To me ,  she started raising her voice at me, started saying she cannot do this and that .
Because my love for her Is based on human love (what he or she can give) I begin to withdraw or I begin to have this resentment towards him or her, that why I keep saying that marriage can never be successful with human love cause we are two different beings from two different upbringing, environment and even culture and that why the Bible says do not be equally yoked with an unbeliever, so in the real sense the only thing that connect us together in marriage is that we serve the same God, everyother thing is different.

Whenever I’m feeling human love, it is never self-sufficient. While I’m able to express love, I’m doing that only if certain conditions are fulfilled. For example, that my partner is behaving in a certain way.

Human love is entrenched in the fulfillment of our desires. That’s why we say it is selfish.
A lot of couples find it difficult to pray for their spouse because they have this resentment towards them, their love for them has diminshed, a lot of couples speak ill of their spouse because they run their marriages on their capacity.

A lot of people will realize that marriage is deep after they get married, they keep deceiving themselves that once they are in  love(human love), the journey of marriage will be so easy. And they fail to realise that you can run something that is spiritual with a physical thing.

The truth is marriage is a mystery that can never be unraveled till you are intentional about ensuring you learn this thing called marriage from the author of marriage.

See Seminars is very good but you still need to register to the school of the spirit, I mean what is the spirit of God saying to you per time or will you have to wait for seminars when your marriage need serious help or attention.

You can love someone deeply that the next thing you want to do is get married to the person, o the person is funny, caring, always checking up on you, always buying gifts for you, infact the person ensures that you are given the best treatment in every possible way.

My dear all of this is not enough to sustain your marriage. It is just like cooking jollof rice without the necessary ingredients, what you will have is concoction rice, it Is similar to what you want but not the exact one you desire because of your inability to get the necessary ingredients.

Before you get married, you need to check the kind of love you have for this person, Is it based on how the person behave or relate with you, Is based in the Physcial display of love or are you ready to lay down your life, space , career, ego etc for you to support the persons.
Are You are ready to go an extra mile for whom you love and not what you love about the person.
This days I hear things like I want to marry her/him because I love him/her or because he/she is spiritual. Really…… Is that the standard?.

See if God should open your eyes to the reality of marriage, you will keep praying to God to help you, your spouse and to give you more time to prepare for this gift ** called marriage**

And you will even take your time, you won’t rush anything at all, you will continually keep the butterflies running in your stomach in check so that you won’t do what will destroy the testimony of your marriage. These days a lot of people disobey their church authorities or go against their doctrine because they feel they are In love. See check that love well because that same love can make you go against God.

So Mary what kind of love should I run my marriage with
Or is love really important in marriage
And why Can’t I love in my own capacity.

Watch out for the part 2 where I will be talking about divine love is the only love that can sustain a marriage.

Stay tuned.

#Divine love is kind, patient etc read 1 Corinthians
# lord I need you to show the realities of marriage so that I won’t fall short of your expectations

Published by Omolewa Mary Olubukola

My name is Omolewa Mary Olubukola By God's grace, I am saved to save I am Happily single with the passion to reach out to Teenagers, children, Pastoral families and those in relationships. I hope this write-ups will bless in you in one way or the other because they are not my words, They are God's words 🥰.


      1. I abandoned it for a long time oh! Forgot I even had one until the day you told me about yours. And I remembered that I have had something on WordPress. Just searched my system and found the password, ID and email I used to join as far back as 2013.


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